Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rain on your Parade

How many times have you felt you put your heart and soul into planning the perfect event, outfit, present, or meal and then all of your plans fly out the window and you are left feeling stranded and unsure of where to turn?  Well I recently felt this way after throwing myself into full-on party planning mode for the Fourth of July weekend.  After a few weeks of some very stressful events in my life, I was looking forward to channeling my energy towards something positive and celebratory.  I wanted to live life in the moment and be grateful for another summer of living in the U.S.A and for having another Fourth of July holiday. 
So, I decided to entertain myself with party prep in order to entertain family and friends for a summer night of food, drinks, a lot of red white and blue décor, and a live band.  I am an extreme planner at heart who tries to go with the flow, even if that means I had to plan to go with the flow.  For me, putting together decorations, menus, and designing the party layout is pure joy and a way to express my version of creativity and share great times with friends. 
However, mother nature never seems to get my memos about when I’m having a party and this time instead she planned her own party including heavy rains, thunderstorms, and lots of wind.  For her, it was just the right time after weeks of heat and dry weather and for me it couldn’t have been worse timing-so I thought.  I was struggling with denial and reality.  I hoped the 90% chance of thunderstorms and torrential down pours would mean by seven that night I would be in the 10% no storm zone and if we didn’t see too much lightening our guests wouldn’t mind sitting under our tent. 
And then my realistic side tapped me on my other shoulder and made me realize where will 50 cars park on soaking wet grass and how do we fit a bluegrass band in our living room? (we have three elderly cats who would be terrified).  Thank goodness for my husband and parents who are so often voices of reason for me and we decided, me with probably too heavy of a heart, to cancel the event.  The evening was meant to be an outdoor affair with minimal indoor traffic.
At first I was upset with the entire situation and regretting having to tell our guests the party was off.  But my silver lining to this change of plans was giving me the day to go visit a dear family member of mine who would not be with us for another summer or Fourth of July, and who I would have potentially not seen due to our party and the sudden change of his life events. 
I am learning each day how to balance living in the moment and also being okay when my living in the moment isn’t what I always had planned.  I want to be able to tell myself things happen for a reason and really believe it.  I have a saying I keep on my dresser that is my mantra every morning when I wake up and I try to carry with me throughout the day:
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
I know I have room to grow and will continue to learn how to go with the flow and be able to better change my plans no matter what life pours me-even if it is rain.


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